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Escuela Híspalis
En este apartado encontrarás una lista actualizada de numerosos artículos e investigaciones de gran interés, aplicados a las Artes Marciales. Pincha en cada icono para acceder al documento correspondiente.
Repeated Kicking Actions in Karate: Effect on Technical Execution in Elite Practitioners.
Metabolic and hormonal responses to a single session of kumite (free non-contact fight) and kata (highly ritualized fight) in karate athletes.
Kinematics of Self-Initiated and Reactive Karate Punches.
Injuries in Full Contact and Semi-Contact Karate (A Comparison of Kyokushinkai and Traditional Karate).
Anthropometric and Physical Performance Profiles of Elite KarateKumite and Kata Competitors.
Energetics of basic Karate Kata.
Reaction time of elite karateka of different specialization recorded by means of video technology.
RPE y ansiedad en Karate.
Motor and cognitive Karate.
Fuerza muscular, lactato en Judo.
Fuerza explosiva en judocas.
Fuerza del ten superior en judocas.
Efectos del entrenamiento de la potencia en el golpe recto de boxeo.
Case Study of Mental Skills Trainingfor a Taekwondo Olympian.
Characterization of kinesiological patterns of the frontal kick, maegeri,
in karate experts and nonkarate
Anger and optimal performance in karate
Reaction time of elite karate
Characteristics of neuromuscular function of top karate
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